Collection: Treehouse Naturals

Treehouse was founded in 2015 by Bess & Kate, who were tired of the additive-laden almond milk at the grocery store. They spent the next five years hand-making a slew of fresh nutmilks and oatmilk in glass jars, and delivering them to folks around Atlanta. But the best came from the nuts growing in their own backyards -- pecans. Fast forward and they're sharing the wonders of this luscious, sustainable milk with the world.

Treehouse Naturals has introduced the next generation of conscious plant-based hydration -- pecanmilk in a can. Made with the Supernut, and high in heart-healthy fats & antioxidants, this drink does it all – from post-workout hydration to morning coffee companion to smoothie mixer to the kiddos healthy lunchbox treat, or anytime you need a nutritious pick-me-up.  

Pecans are the only major treenut native to the U.S., and grow naturally here in the South. The carbon footprint of pecanmilk is much lower than that of other plant-based milks, as pecans don’t drain precious water resources and significantly contribute to global carbon sequestration.

Treehouse sources from Georgia farmers, keeping their roots and impact extra local.