Reshma Mahadka and Jessica Henry, affectionately known as "Resh and Jess," are the creative force behind Sakhar Jams, a business rooted in tradition and brimming with passion. Their journey began as an exploration of food, culture, and connection, evolving from a small-scale venture into a thriving jam-making business. The name Sakhar, meaning sugar in Marathi, honors Mahadka’s Indian heritage and the sweetness of their relationship and product. When Mahadka told her father the name, he was so moved that he cried. "It was a full-circle moment for me," she says, a sentiment that underscores the emotional connection they both share with the business.
At the heart of Sakhar Jams is the process—a blend of old-world techniques and modern sensibilities. Mahadka and Henry approach each batch with care and attention, perfecting the traditional water bath method of canning. This time-honored technique involves carefully sealing jars of jam in a water bath, which preserves the vibrant flavors of the fruit. The hot-fill method helps lock in freshness while maintaining the integrity of the fruit. "It’s a slower, more deliberate way of making jam," says Henry, "but the end result is worth every minute."
Sakhar’s jams are far from the overly sweet, mass-produced varieties found on store shelves. Mahadka and Henry are committed to creating jams that are both rich in flavor and free of unnecessary additives. The duo’s bond is crucial to the business’s success. While their strengths complement each other, they are united by a shared passion for food and family. Mahadka’s Indian heritage infuses the jams with bold flavors and spices, while Henry’s detail-oriented approach ensures that the jams are accessible to a wide audience. Over the years, the pair has experimented with more than 120 different flavor combinations, perfecting the balance of sweet, savory, and spicy. One of their most popular offerings is the Strawberry Habanero jam, which blends the sweetness of strawberries with the fiery kick of habanero peppers. Mahadka's love of heat shines through in this jam, but Henry is careful to keep the spice level just right, making it enjoyable for everyone.
Their dedication to quality is evident in every step of the process. Mahadka and Henry work closely with local farmers to source the best ingredients. "We want our customers to taste the difference," says Mahadka. "It’s not just about making jam; it’s about creating something real, something people can connect with." Sustainability is a core value for Sakhar, and the duo ensures their sourcing practices are environmentally conscious. From the start, they wanted to make sure their jams weren’t just delicious, but also good for the planet. “We keep sustainability in mind when we buy ingredients and handle packaging,” says Henry. “It’s part of our commitment to the community and the environment.”
The care that goes into each jar of Sakhar Jam sets it apart. From the hand-cut fruit to the precise measurements, every step of the process is handled with attention to detail. “Making jam is a labor of love,” Mahadka says, and that love is evident in every jar. Henry adds, “There’s a certain magic in the way the flavors come together. We both get excited when we see that first jar come out just right.”
Sakhar Jams has grown over the years, but the duo remains focused on quality and tradition. While their business now reaches beyond farmers markets into local stores and an online shop, their commitment to handcrafting each batch with care has remained unchanged. “It’s about staying true to our roots,” says Mahadka. “We could take shortcuts, but we don’t want to sacrifice the integrity of what we’re making.”
The duo’s approach has earned them a loyal following. Many customers say their jams remind them of something their grandmother made, which Mahadka considers the highest compliment. “That’s exactly the feeling we want to create,” she says. “We’re not just making jam. We’re making memories, one jar at a time.”
Whether it's Brown Sugar Peach Bourbon or Strawberry Prosecco, each jar of Sakhar Jam reflects the dedication and love that Mahadka and Henry pour into their business. For them, the jams are more than a product—they are a bridge between cultures, a symbol of their bond, and a way to connect with their customers on a deeper level. Through their dedication to sustainable practices, quality ingredients, and traditional methods, Sakhar Jams has become a true labor of love.
For more updates and information, please visit their website or Instagram.